Your Children Will Play Outside!
Lack of nature was never a problem when I was a child. Like many others, my brothers and I stayed out almost every summer night “until the street lights went on.” We played long hours outside, not with toys or electric scooters, but with balls, sticks, trees, bugs, and dirt, and most of all, with each-other!
If there is one regret I have, it is that my kids do not get to roam the neighborhood with friends playing hide and seek, climbing trees, lying in the grass looking at clouds, and searching the creek for tadpoles. But, we are in another place and another time. As parents, most of us no longer feel comfortable leaving our children unsupervised in such situations.
That is why allowing children to experience nature in a child care setting has become so important. Kids need this type of play as much as they need to learn letters and numbers.
Connecting children with nature is as simple as providing natural elements for them to explore. Purple Moon has a playground with large open spaces, tall grasses, logs, tree cookies, boulders, tunnels, and turn-over rocks under which they can discover living creatures to study. A large circular pathway for tricycles which encourages much more active play than a one-way path to a destination. Check out our playground renderings below, to be finished in just a few short months! We hope to connect children with nature and create that unquenchable thirst for it that will follow them into adulthood. The benefits are uncountable. Vitamin D deficiency is a problem for kids of today- they don’t spend enough time in the sun. Increased physical activity is another benefit but it is something that children of today are sorely lacking. How can we expect a child to run and develop large muscles when they are in a small classroom or a small, fenced, rubber floored, jungle gym covered enclosure all day? Come and let your child run, jump, climb, and PLAY at Purple Moon!
Infant/Toddler Playground Rendering
Ages 3-5 Playground Rendering