Our Classrooms
Programs offered are full time (5 days/week), 3 day (MWF), or 2 day (T/TH) for all ages For infants through age 3, programs offered are for full days only. Priority is given to full time care requests.
For our Preschool and Pre-kindergarten programs (ages 3-5) , we offer full time care (up to 10 hours daily) for the same five, three, or two day programs. We also offer a ‘short’ program from 8:30-11:30 for either the 5, 3, or 2 days per week.
Programs for all ages focus on nurturing and care of children and play-based learning. We conduct assessments twice annually based on the Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines . We do this through authentic assessment; we observe children while in play to find out where they stand in the developmental process and use these observations to be sure the children are meeting standards or whether there is need for intervention. Conferences are held twice a year.
Infants 6 weeks to 12 months.
Infants are all about social relationships, building trust that basic needs will be met, and sensory exploration. With three teachers in the infant room, a ratio of 1:3, children are able to form close bonds with their teachers. Being held, rocked, and cuddled are all important needs in infancy as they learn to self-regulate. As they grow, freedom from containers such as swings and bouncers is important in investigation of the environment. Varied sensory experiences with color, light, sound, and touch are much of daily life for developing infants at Purple Moon.
Young toddlers ages 12 months to 24 months.
Young toddlers are still discovering their world through the senses and enjoying close bonds with caregivers. They are increasingly energetic and full of curiosity and working toward doing things “myself!” Teachers in the young toddler program encourage this drive toward autonomy and provide a safe and interesting environment for the children to discover. Beginning language skills as well as mastering difficult tasks are important toddler jobs.
Older toddlers ages 24-36 months
Older toddlers carry on the same or more energy and curiosity. Teachers focus on an expanding need for new experiences in order for toddlers to develop in all areas. Physical development is enhanced at all times by active toddlers. Continued positive and caring relationships with their original caregivers help the toddlers build trust between themselves, others, and their environment as they master more and more skills. Teachers focus on positive language both for language development and social patterns of interaction, which are being formed. At this age, parallel play, the earliest form of peer interaction, begins.
Preschool, three year olds
The age of three brings new challenges for both the children and teachers. Teachers encourage pre-writing skills in the form of fine motor development. Imaginative and symbolic play begins at this age, as well associative play, the beginning stages of playing with their peers rather than alongside them. The Storybook Journey starts in earnest in this program, with the children putting on shows, and creating small worlds, and teachers taking the learning experiences toward the children's interests. Teachers support early social-emotional behaviors such showing/recognizing feelings and resolving conflicts and also provide an open invitation to creativity in the classroom studio.
Pre-Kindergarten ages 4 and 5
The four and five-year-olds in this program shine like stars in our Vega program! A safe environment is provided both inside and outside for continued development in language, small and large motor, cognition, and social and emotional development. Teachers provide open-ended materials to investigate, encourage cooperation, and provide time without scheduled activity to allow for creativity and inner focus in the classroom studio. Teachers observe children’s play to choose books for the Storybook Journey. Social skills are supported by teachers as children are able to cooperatively play in an organized way.